Nothing in the past has worked for Lola but we are seeing a positive result with use of your hemp oil. Thank you so much for developing this product!
Like many others I have heard about the efficacy of hemp, however to see the miracle first hand helping someone you love leaves me speechless with gratitude.
George has improved to the point that I just finished my second order and have signed up for auto ship.
I know if Bailey could talk he would say how thankful he is for Cannapet for helping him feel better and allowing him to do the things he enjoys like his daily walks, his climbing adventures in my back yard, and lounging around the house or yard feeling less pain.
Your products have changed his life. They’ve changed whatever amount of time he and I have left together. You’ve brought to me a gift I am very grateful for.
I am hoping he just keeps getting better with continued use of Canna-Pet. Yukon & I both thank you.
After a week on the advanced capsules she no longer walks with a limp and has no problem with the stairs!
I believe canna-pet is why chums is still will us and we thank you for your tireless efforts to make it possible for consumers to have a choice in how to heal their loved ones.
Thank you, Canna-Pet for saving my dog’s life!
I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful reaction Koda had to your capsules and biscuit. The improvement occurred within the first day in ingesting Canna-pet.
Truly a life changing experience to such a profound improvement in his health and well being on it.
Canna-pet not only gave her a better quality of life, but it gave us an extra 6 months to love on her and have no regrets when she finally passed! Thank you so incredibly much!
It also helped bring his energy level back to his normal fast as lightening border collie speed. Thanks Canna-pet!
We’ve almost finished our first bottle of canna pet and it has worked wonders on my little girl.
Vader used to have strong seizures once a week until he stared taking Canna-pet Advance for large dogs, since then all seizures stop!!!!!