Canna-Pet is…

  • An organic, whole-plant product, developed from the ground-up specifically for pets
  • Perfectly safe to use alongside any medications, supplements, or with any special diets
  • Full Spectrum hemp CBD nutrition that is Non-GMO, vegan, free of animal products, free of preservatives
  • Offering fast acting CBD liquids and capsules suitable for any animal and treats for dogs
  • The first of its kind

What makes Canna-Pet Different?

  • Not “just CBD,” but dozens of additional CBDs (cannabinoids) and terpenes
  • Veterinarian recommended and covered by major pet insurers
  • Offers a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee
  • Studied by major universities and major veterinary journals
  • Much higher bioavailability than other products
    • 10-15X the absorption
    • 15X the effective CBD reaching the pets ECS


Canna-Pet products are made exclusively with Industrial Hemp

Canna-Pet products are:

Who can use Canna-Pet products?


Read the published survey results collected by Colorado State University on Canna-Pet® products.
Check out the book Hemp Science for Dogs by Caroline Coile, PhD.