I truly believe this product has improved his quality of life!
Testimonials for Chihuahuas
After talking with Roxy’s neurologist, he suggested that we add Canna-Pet along with phenobarbital to try to lessen them. After about 3 months of adding it to her food and doing lots of blood work to monitor her levels because there is no set amount suggested for a 5-pound chihuahua, we thought we might have a good plan as they lessened to one every few days.
He started taking Canna-Pet in March in addition to his prescribed meds. Since then, he has been stable with no bleeding incidents.
Knowing what great products the treats and capsules were, I started giving him a treat when I knew storms were coming. I even started him on a daily regimen of capsules because we are getting storms daily. He still comes to sit under my chair or in my lap when they come, but the shaking has stopped, so I have a much calmer less nervous “Buddy” Ashe now. I’m so thankful for the products.
I noticed he started slowing down and refusing to come with me some days. After a few weeks of Canna-pet treats in his diet (which he devours) he acts like a spring chicken and even jumps on the couch and bed. We thank you Canna-Pet!
They diagnosed some liver problems and arthritis. So instead of putting him on a lot of heavy pharmaceutical medication I opted to change his diet and add Canna Pet to his routine. Within a month he had made a huge turnaround.
I came across CANNA-PET. ROMEO actually runs now, and for the first time in 2 year’s he can walk and run on all 4 at the same time.
I use Canna Pet capsules for Lucky, my Chihuahua who has been diagnosed with collapsed trachea issues. She recommends using the Canna Pet CBD with her clients.
Gracie started suffering with seizures in her old age, anxiety & panic attacks. Since using the cbd oil she has calmed down significantly.
He has gone from having several seizures a week to having one every two or three months for the past six months, ever since we’ve been giving him a Cann-Pet biscuit
Romeo started to having Seizures also lot’s of hip,joint and pain in his back legs, every time he would skip on his back legs, after giving him Canna-Pet every day he hasn’t had any more Seizures also he now Runs on all 4 legs.
I heard about Cannapet for seizures and started her on it. Almost a year later is is only taking .3ml of seizure meds and 1 capsule am and pm of cannapet. She has had only 1 seizure that I know of and it was very mild. I will continue her cannapet for as long as she is with me. She loves the biscuits too!
Since canna pet she can sometimes jump up the step and her limping has stopped all together. She seems to be in less pain and is way more spry!
our products significantly lower the seizure threshold and the quantity of seizures as well as stress in between. I am SO thankful for you and your products.
Ditka & Oliver
I now use Canna-Pet Advanced small dog pills for Oliver to help him with his arthritis and that’s working incredibly too. Since I’ve been using them on Oliver I haven’t seen him limping at all. My family Loves Canna-Pet!!!
She is a happy playful 7 year old again. She is loving life again and I have your product to thank for it!!
I noticed an AMAZING improvement in her appetite, pain-level & overall disposition in only 2 doses! I am SO pleased with this product & the relief you’ve given my baby in her last few days is a precious blessing!
She has been on them for almost a year now (12/2017) and we have seen a huge change in her. She may have a seizure every few months but it is short and over quick, nothing like they used to be.
After using Canna-Pet Advanced Small capsules for a month now his cough has drastically reduced.
Joy Faith
Now me and my husband still can’t believe that she gets around 3 seizures a month! Sometimes none whatsoever.