Just a few short weeks ago we assumed that our time with Gabriel was nearing the end, however, at our veterinarian’s urging, we introduced Canna-Pet and within a week, Gabriel was is once again able to enjoy his daily strolls through the neighborhood.
I love the Cannapet Advance Large-capsules for my dog, Taylin. I truly believe that these capsules have improved her health tremendously.
Our little old man has some real stiffness he suffers through, and on top of that, he is a fairly anxious pup. In addition to the medicine regimen prescribed by his vet, we added Canna-pet to it a couple of years ago, and he is doing AMAZING.
The canna-pet drops 2x a day make her feel & run around like a completely new young dog.
We tried Cannapet and day one he was running around again. The transformation was astounding.
Karley – who has immune-mediated polyarthritis – starting on Canna-pet, her vet commented that there was a remarked improvement in the inflammation in her joints.
My horse Roy has had a broken and dislocated leg and knee joint x 2years ago. He has recovered, but has been inflicted with Arthritis…. We started on Canna-pet a year and a half ago, and really notice a big difference in him!
I have always been scared to death of thunderstorms but Mom and Dad found Canna-Pet and I don’t hide from the noise any more!
I started him on the capsules about 2.5 weeks ago and already he’s much more playful, tackles the stairs with ease and his appetite is back!
Jasmine and Paisley
I have been using CBD oil for them over the last 6 months. I have fallen in love with your Canna Treats.
Jack had not had a seizure since I started him and this proves that it really works (at full dose)
Mermen McDermitt
Canna-pet has helped my little cat, Mermen McDermitt, gain weight and since starting it, he hasn’t vomited once from his IBD!
She had bad anxiety and coat issues when we adopted her. I started her on the powdered version of Canna-Pet and things are improving.
He has gone from having several seizures a week to having one every two or three months for the past six months, ever since we’ve been giving him a Cann-Pet biscuit
After noticing Shadow having a hard time getting up from lying down, I knew immediately he was having hip and joint pain as is expected in 9 year-old 100 lb German Shepherd. I found Canna-Pet online and after reading the stories decided I would try it. It has made a definite difference!
Xander is a 13 year old fawn pug. He enjoys eating, sleeping, and cuddling! Although aging has taken his hearing and most of his vision, he is very happy and energetic with the help of his Canna-Pet treats.
We rescued Rudy on December 11, 2019. He had been a stray in Kentucky, and was terrified of everything. I did a search and found your company. We have been giving him one tablet twice a day for the past 3 weeks, and it has really helped him to relax.
Ellie and Maggie
They are both on Canna-Pet Advanced MaxCBD Liquid 4-6 drops 4 times a day. Maggie seems to be stable on these drops and the hope is that we can increase the time between seizures using these drops.
Hendrix will be 11yrs old this March and has had epilepsy since he was a kitten. Canna pet has lessened his fits and he’s not had as many. But the best part is he’s still going out and thriving!
Our dog has separation anxiety and with the Advanced Max capsules we have been able to take him off of all of his prescription meds. It’s still a work-in-process but we have found some relief using Canna-Pet