I saw the great reviews for Canna Pet and gave it a try. It definitely seemed to ease her discomfort and now I give it to her more as a “maintenance” supplement.
We started giving him Canna-Pet MaxCBD Liquid daily. Within 2 weeks Jake showed a dramatic improvement.
We ordered the biscuits in hopes that they would help. Within two days I noticed that her paws were dry!
Canna-pet is so safe and gentle that there is never a bad reaction that I have noticed even if I give her more than suggested for the day. As long as I have my Princess, Canna-pet will be a STAPLE in continuing to give her the best life possible.
She not longer acts like she hurts or is stiff when getting up and still has the energy of a pup at almost 12! She takes the CBD everyday and will continue to do so as the benefit and results are absolutely amazing
Abbey is turning 12 in November and was diagnosed last month with terminal bladder cancer. Since she’s been taking the advanced CBD pills. Since she been on them she has had more energy and shown less signs of urgency to urinate.
I came across CANNA-PET. ROMEO actually runs now, and for the first time in 2 year’s he can walk and run on all 4 at the same time.
Charger had separation anxiety terribly from the beginning. The vet gave me a box of the canna-pet bones to see if they would help. So glad these helped so we didn’t have to use a medication!
After 3 – 4 days we could see she was getting up much easier & you could see more happiness in her eyes
My little Cookie suffers from seizures. With the aid of your capsules daily, she has gone from one or two a day to months in between.
We started giving Kali CBD after she had her second CCL injury. She loves the CBD bones, she eats 8 per day and runs and jumps like a puppy!
Lou is an 8 year old English Bulldog. Since we gave him canna-pet he is doing much better.
I discovered Canna Pet biscuits from my niece and I give him 3 per day and I can’t begin to tell how much they have helped him in his old age! His ability to get up the stairs and from a laying down position is amazing!
A friend then gave us a box of Max biscuits. She improved more with the biscuits then the meds. Two years later she’s doing great.
We tried Canna-pet to help him through our last move. It worked astonishingly well! We’re so grateful to have found a natural solution to curb his anxiety.
CannaPet has helped reduce her anxiety and some of her belly hair has even begun to grow back. Libby is much calmer and lives a happier life thanks to CannaPet.
Its been about 20 days since starting her medication. I am so thankful to you guys for providing this medication option to pet owners. It brought my girl back.
Once we began using your wonderful products we noticed an almost immediate change in her demeanor. She became more calm but didn’t loose all her puppy exuberance.
My 15 year old husky & best friend has joint & mobility issues / coordination issues – all mostly with her hind legs. I’ve been giving her the Canna-Pet capsules for 2 weeks now, & I see improvement in her energy levels & her mobility.
Jack Daniels
One day on this twice a day ive got my baby back! Hes running and playing he even got up on the bed without crying in pain. Im sold on this for life.