
Health Issues:
Sulley's Breeds:

This is Sulley. He is 9 1/2yr old Shih Tzu. I found him wandering in the road 8 1/2 yrs ago in NY. We found the owners and they didn’t want him. He’s been a wonderful companion for all of these years! I absolutely adore him! Recently, I noticed his left eye was blue. It appeared to be a cataract. When I brought him to the vet, he told me it wasn’t and sent me to a specialist. The specialist couldn’t figure out what was wrong. He said I needed to take Sulley to get an MRI. That would’ve cost me $3000! A friend of mine told me about your product. She used it and she was amazed at how her dog reacted. We also have another friend who used your product, Who had the same reaction! So here we are. I purchased it, and I have had my baby on it for the past week. Since he’s been taking it, I’ve noticed his demeanor has changed. He’s not as fearful of thunder and his anxiety has lessened. As far as his eye… we await. Thank you, thank you! I’m sure your product will be a great success!!