
Health Issues:
First I will have give you the background information of Sir Wayne. Wayne was rescued from the local Humane Society. I was dating my boyfriend for about a month and had to drop off my regular donation to the Humane Society. He had never been there before, so as an avid animal lover I had to show him around. He went into every room with every cat and tried to pet ALL of them. Even the ones who did not want his pets, received loved (he received some scratches in return). So while we are going to one of the last rooms, there is this cat in a corner show room all alone. His name is Wayne. He is a big cat, has some matts, looked kinda fluffy but mostly unbrushed and mangled. On his About Me tag, it said he cannot go home with children, cats, dogs, or really anything that moves. He also has been there for over FOUR YEARS. My boyfriend just had to see him. Wayne looked like a menace, so I did not go into the room, but my boyfriend did. While he was in there petting Wayne, a worker came to me and started telling me Wayne had a special personality. I look back at Wayne, and saw my boyfriend’s horrified face, noticing that Wayne had chomped down on his hand and was not letting it go. I was laughing, my boyfriend was not. For the rest of the visit, all my boyfriend could talk about was what a cool cat Wayne was.I visited about a month later to drop off another donation, and went in search of Wayne. I found him in another cage and took a picture to show my boyfriend that his friend is still here. My boyfriend was a little sad to see this cat here, but we didn’t want a kid just yet. About another week later, I convinced my boyfriend to go see Wayne again. This time he was in a room full of cats and we noticed a sore on his tail. Working at a cat rescue for many years, I told my boyfriend that this is what we call a life cat. Wayne was a cat that would probably spend the rest of his life in the shelter, since you couldn’t go near him without him growling and trying to bite you. That one statement has changed the course of our future. We shortly adopted Wayne a week later. He was free. Wayne was 8 years old when we adopted him, now almost 10 (August 1st is his birthday). I had to take him to the vet at the shelter to check out his tail. Instead of the usual drop off, I made sure to meet the vet who would be taking care of Wayne, so I made an appointment. When the vet came into the room, she was able to pet Wayne, for the first time while he was awake. She was so amazed that we adopted him that she promised us free vet care for his life. We also found out he really has been at the shelter for 5+ years, adopted out once or twice but was quickly returned. At the time he was on depressants, OCD medicine, steroids, and antibiotics. For two years, we have gone to the vet twice a month to change the meds, start him on new ones, and to figure out what was causing him to lick and chew at his back end. We had found out that Wayne came to shelter in pieces. He was caught in a fan belt in a car, and was completed mangled. They put his hips and legs back together and his jaw mostly into place. He cannot fully close his jaw, and has major scars on his face as well as a crushed ear. After many medications I requested every single test possible to find a problem. What the vet found was arthritis, bone spurs in his hips, and just scar tissue that would be giving Wayne pain. We decided from there that we would keep him on a low does to help with the pain in his joints, but it never really helped.
Wayne has been in a medical cone for two years until today. Wayne has been out of a cone after a month and a half of starting him on CannaPet. He doesn’t really need the cone, even though he still has some pain, he has not given himself a sore for over 4 months! You might be also glad to know Wayne is a massive lap cat, cuddles all day, and is one of the sweetest cats we own. He also has been living with my cat of 15 years amazingly, and has no problems! Thank you for supplying animals with relief and it would mean the world to my boyfriend and I if Wayne’s happiness and success be immortalized in a painting. He deserves so much more, but he definitely has taught us what patience is, and we couldn’t be happier that we can provide a relatively pain free life for a cat who has lived with pain for so long.