
Health Issues:
Puerco's Breeds:
Meet Puerco (means Pig in Spanish) he is a 7 year old male Blue Pitbull. Sometime in 2016 Puerco began to have major stomach problems, always had bloody loose stool, hardly ate anything and began to loose a lot of weight. Several trips to the vets and numerous tests done, nothing stood out as to why this was happening. After finding out that we were feeding him a 4 protein dog food, our vet recommended we try tinkering with his diet until we found a single protein that wasn’t giving him digestive problems. He also recommended we give him pepcid every morning to keep his stomach acid under control. Soon after we began to notice some small growths, one on his inner part of his front leg and another on the side of his rib. We didn’t think anything at first until we noticed more starting to grown on his scrotum. It seemed like it was overnight that the growths started to grow rapidly. In April of 2017 we again took him to the vets and this time our vet recommended we surgically remove the growths on his leg and the one on his side of his ribs and neuter him. The growths were sent out for testing and came back positive for cancer. My vet then understood why he was having so many complications. Long story short, after his surgery, we were in the same boat. Puerco was not eating much, same issues with his stool and stomach and very thin. My wife began to look in the Internet for things we can do to try and stimulate his appetite, control his bloody stools and most importantly, how to make a dog with cancer comfortable. That’s when she came across Canna-Pet. We read everything about canna-pet on the website and decided to take a chance and purchase some pills and treats to see if it would make a difference. We have had Puerco on canna-pet pills, Canna-Pet oil drops, and Canna-Pet treats for 3 months now, and WOW! what an impact this product has made to Puerco’s life. He eats twice a day, yes I said twice a day. He takes 2 Benadryl’s for his cancer and 1 Canna-Pet pill with food for breakfast, then has a second pill with his dinner. Puerco has gained anywhere between 15 – 20 lbs. (See Puerco’s picture below of what he looks like today) His stool no longer has blood in it and it’s solid. The oil we use when we know he’s feeling nauseous because of his cancer, but I truly believe that this product has improved Puerco’s life style tremendously and has eased his cancer pains. He is now a happy dog that loves to run, play, bark and is super friendly that loves to be loved – He loves attention. Unlike before, he just laid and moped around with no drive. To end my story, I would recommend this product to any dog lover who has similar issues with their K9. Thank you Canna-Pet, because of your product, we expect Puerco to live an extensive and happy life.