
Harmony's Breeds:


I’m Kelli Fisher from Melbourne, FL and this is my dog’s success story using Canna-Pet.

Harmony is my rescued lab mix that we adopted as a puppy on our honeymoon. She’s now 13 & has been being treated for arthritis and anxiety for 4 years. I recently changed to an in-home vet (Outback Mobile Vet/ Dr. Donna Craig) as Harmony was getting significantly worse very quickly; not eating, not wanting to get up/needing help to stand, plus she started to sundown at night and was more anxious overall than ever. I was hoping Dr. Donna would have some better meds/options or I was going to love my girl enough to let her go, as she had very little quality of life at that point. Dr. Donna did change up her meds AND recommended Canna-Pet. I did notice an improvement with the new pill regime, but not significantly enough to make a major change in her symptoms until I received the order of Canna-Pet. What a HUGE difference it’s made for my girl. It’s been about 2 months now, she’s way calmer, moves much better, gets up on her own and likes to play with her toys again, she doesn’t sundown at night or pant much anymore, she enjoys her walks again and wants to walk much further, and her appetite is back! It’s like I have my dog back from 4 years ago before arthritis and “old age” hit her. I had been using a different CBD oil brand that I bought at the health good store, but obviously it wasn’t working. I have been giving Harmony 1 Advanced MaxCBD pill twice daily for 2 months. I also bought the Advanced Max liquid but haven’t used it until the other night when fireworks were going off next door for Memorial Day, I gave her 3-4 drops of the liquid and she calmed right down and fell asleep, which was a miracle since she usually hides in the closet during fireworks holidays and thunderstorms.


Thank you for making an amazing product that ACTUALLY works for my beloved dog! You have a customer for life!


Sincerely, Kelli Rosell Fishe