Health Issues:
- Anxiety
- Shivering
Buddy's Breeds:
Hi Canna-pet!
My dog’s name is Buddy We live in Ithaca, NY In the Finger Lakes region, waterfalls, gorges, creeks, trails, lakes everywhere Buddy is a 12 year old pit mix. His groomer for his nails noticed he was looking stiff. We have had many younger big dogs move into our rental area recently. He loved to play but I’d see a rare showing of teeth after he’d get tired but they still wanted to play “ruff”. He also had cut our 2 mile morning walks short. We had a very cold winter this year with many below zero nights. I did see all of this effecting him. He’s a very active, off leash, tear it up running, kind of a dog. Sara, the groomer told me about CBD. She directed me to your site, recommended the maple bacon biscuits and they were ordered that day. I’m happy to report he loves the biscuits and for a 70lb dog, he’s very picky. His energy is back. His skin doesn’t shiver when I touch his hind legs. He’s running again. I’m so grateful. Our walks are often still shorter but some days I have to make him turn around! He was also the most relaxed he’s ever been getting his nails cut! That’s always been an anxious time for him. Thank you Canna-pet! I’m hoping it continues to improve but am so grateful for his happiness now. I’m trying it on my cat next… stay tuned.
Lisa Duggan 1140 Dryden Road, Bldg 2 Ithaca, NY 14850