
Health Issues:
Jackson's Breeds:

My boy Jackson is my heart dog! He is almost 7, August 23, 2010 is when he was born. When he was just 4.5 months old he came down with discospondolytis, which is a spinal infection caused from strep. He couldn’t move the lower half of his body and was in extreme pain, so we rushed him to the vet and that is when we found out what he had. 2 days in ICU, hooked up an IV on an antibiotic drip, having to have an MRI to confirm it was indeed that nasty infection, my poor baby! He had to stay on the antibiotics for 6 months and have monthly X-rays to ensure the infection cleared up. He will always have the effects of the soft tissue damage and the natural spinal fusion in the lower back. He has also had 3 ACL surgeries and a patella . 2 ACL and the patella on his left leg and one ACL on his right leg, so my boy doesn’t get around all that well any more. Well, that was until we discovered Canna-Pet! These biscuits help him so much! Much more than the pharmaceutical drugs he was on!! He can run and be happy now! I hadn’t seen him run in so long!! The first time I came home and saw him run to me I almost cried, I was so happy. He loves to play so much still and for him to be able to is a blessing. Thank you Canna-Pet for giving my baby his body back so he can get around much better!!