Dakota's Breeds:
This handsome guy is Dakota. On July 31st we rushed him to the animal hospital for golf ball size lymph nodes. After some tests, we were told that he has lymphoma. He was given a few weeks to a month to live. I nearly hit the floor when we got the news. I felt like my heart was ripped out. She put him on steroids to slow the cancer growth and told us to enjoy the time we had left with him. The side effects from the prednisone were horrible. My sweet boy was suddenly aggressive towards my other dogs with his food, he was panting constantly, he was hardly sleeping, and his heart would beat so fast. He was no longer playful he just looked miserable. I desperately looked for something to keep him with us a little longer. I found Canna-Pet and called my vet. She did some research and gave us the okay to give it a try. What a difference it made! He sleeps through the night some days even runs and plays in the yard. He doesn’t pant nearly as much and he seems to be himself again. Although the cancer is taking over him, he’s still here and I know it’s thanks to Canna-Pet. If anyone is skeptical, I don’t blame you I was too. But Dakota was given less than a month to live, and it has been nearly 3 months, and he is doing pretty good considering his condition. Thank you Canna-Pet for giving him quality of life before it’s time, and for giving us more time with him! My vet has already suggested your product to other pet owners.