
Health Issues:
Beautagard's Breeds:
I don’t always use Canna-Pet…oh wait! Yes I do! My beagle, Beautegard, started facing seizures 2 years ago. They were horrible and each one left is feeling more helpless. Although the seizure medication the veterinarian prescribed helped to stop them from happening often, they would still happen about every three weeks. I searched the Internet for other cures and came across Canna-Pet. I figured, what do we have to lose?? Beau stopped having seizures immediately!! Unfortunately, I had to have surgery and on my recovery my husband forgot to give beau his daily Canna-Pet pill. Three days later he had his first seizure in months. He immediately began giving him his pill and never had a seizure again for 6 months until we want in vacation and the pet sitter forgot his pills. Again, 3 days later Beau had another seizure. She called us frantically and the first thing I asked was about his pill. She began dosing him ASAP and beau has ever had another secure. Thank you, Canna-Pet for saving my dog’s life!