
Health Issues:
Snoopy's Breeds:

Snoopy was diagnosed with an arrhythmia and decreased respiratory functioning 2 years ago. After a full cardio work up and follow up tests, she is maintained on a low dose medication to regulate her heart beat. You can see by your records of my purchase history when I started her on CBD oil. She lost her sisters in 2018 and both of us got very depressed. I increased her CBD dosage to 3 times per day. And I got 2 adult bassets from a good friend and then a basset puppy. We are all very happy and the house is howling again. Snoopy will turn 14 on July 3 if all continues to go well. She’s cranky but keeps a tight control on the order in the house. Barks for cookies continuously when not napping. Here’s a shot of Snoop with Willis her new small companion who she mostly tolerates.