
Health Issues:
Bonham's Breeds:

I have been ordering and using canna-pet advanced large CBD supplements for a year now. We were told this time last year that Bonham (9 year old staffi/cross) and a rescue, had MCT’s and 2 months to live. To say we were devastated was an understatement. She’s been through so much in her life and although she has ‘issues,’ she has the biggest sweetest heart as long as we keep her world small and safe. We decided to have the operation to remove the tumours and was given medication along side that but I heard about CBD supplements for dogs whilst working in US I did a bit of research and found canna-pet. I now have it delivered to UK regularly. Bonham has been taking this for a year now and still with us. She has had several more tumours removed throughout the year. Now, I’m not saying the CBD has cured her but I’m not going to stop. She’s as lively as ever chasing birds/cats out of her garden and similarly sleeping in her sunny sweet spot.. So thank you, Canna-Pet from over here in the UK from me Pam and Bonham.