How To Train A Goldendoodle: Helpful Tips For Pet Parents

Whether you’re a first-time pet parent or have owned dogs for years, most experts will agree that dogs of any age can be trained. From young pups to Goldendoodles who have been adopted a bit later in life, this breed makes a wonderful family dog and is known to get along well with nearly anyone. Prized for their intelligence, friendly personality and easy-going temperament, Goldendoodles are typically easy to train, which has made them a popular breed choice among service dogs and family pets alike. 

Another benefit to this breed: being they’re part Poodle, they don’t shed or produce dander, which is the primary cause of dog allergies in humans. In fact, history indicates that Goldendoodles were actually created to provide a service dog for allergy sufferers. When it comes to service dogs, this can be an especially valuable feature, as they’re an ideal fit for allergy-prone people who depend upon service dogs in their daily lives. This article will explore some helpful pet-parenting tips and guidelines for training a Goldendoodle.

How to Train a Goldendoodle: A Useful Guide

  • Energy Levels: A cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, the Goldendoodle is a mix that has delighted dog lovers throughout the years. Although first bred in the late 1960s, the breed has grown in popularity since the 1990s. As noted, this breed is notorious for being good-natured, friendly, high-energy and generally quite playful, cheerfully greeting everyone he comes in contact with. However, some experts note that this may pose a challenge during the training process, as his social tendencies make it sometimes difficult for him to focus. Combine that with lots of pent-up energy, and it can make training tricky (and owners worn out) – therefore, some dog experts recommend training dogs to use a treadmill. Essentially, it provides an outlet for the dog’s excess energy so that once it’s time to train him, he’ll be less hyper and easier to train; check out YouTube for a variety of videos on the topic.
  • Obedience At Any Age: Since both Golden Retrievers and Poodles are classified as “working” dogs, it should come as no surprise that Goldendoodles naturally have a high level of energy. However, it’s important to ensure consistency for this intelligent, lively breed: by structuring his daily routine (including training) on a ritualist basis, his schedule will signal to him not only what to expect, but what to do. Being they’re a bright breed, they can often be trained the “basics” – ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘down’ – at a fairly young age. Most experts will agree though that keeping up with a Goldendoodle’s energy levels at all ages is not only important but essential to successful training efforts. Therefore, be sure to engage him physically every day – particularly before his training routine, to ensure he’s not ‘too hyper’ to focus on the tasks at hand. In addition, many dog experts also encourage starting obedience early – the younger, the better. By engaging him in a training regimen that is the same each and every time, pet owners can instill good traits and ‘right’ from ‘wrong’ early on, setting the building blocks for a lifetime of desirable canine behavior. Notably, Goldendoodles also do very well with crate training as puppies and also are housebroken quickly, as long as pet owners are consistent in their efforts.

  • Treats As Rewards: While some dogs are happy to perform for a bit of kibble or a simple treat, others may need more motivation. For dog owners who need to up their game, find more interesting treats to create an enticing reward system – some experts suggest puzzle-style dog or chew toys, such as the Kong, which not only provides canine entertainment while engaging them mentally, but make them actually work for the task at hand – a win-win all around. Basically, by setting the bar a bit higher with a more sophisticated reward, the dog may actually be more prone to work harder for it – and remain engaged in his pet parent’s training efforts! Since dogs have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell, a favorite food (such as cheese) cut up into small pieces or other soft treats will do; however, it doesn’t need to be a large quantity, since a little taste will be administered repeatedly throughout the training. Finally, be sure to choose a treat that won’t upset his stomach or unhealthy snacks – pet parents may wish to opt for organic dog biscuits (especially for training larger breeds) or soft training treats (great for older pooches or dogs with bad teeth). 

Summary: Practice (& Patience) Makes Perfect

By implementing consistency – along with lots of practice, patience, treats, positive reinforcement, and most of all, affection – pet parents can ensure their Goldendoodles become well-trained in no time while forging a lifelong bond with their beloved and faithful companions. 


Sources Cited:

  1. “Housebreaking/Puppy Care And Training.” Fox Creek Farm (, (no publish date), Accessed September 25, 2019. 
  2. Codr, David. “How to Train a Goldendoodle Puppy Basic Commands and Good Behavior.” Dog Gone, March 31, 2017, Accessed September 25, 2019. 
  3. By Minette. “Training Your Goldendoodle.” The Dog Training, (no publish date), Accessed September 25, 2019. 

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