
Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier Background Info and History The Bedlington Terrier is a dog distinguished by their distinctive curly topknot, lamblike appearance, and uncanny agility. Developed in the town of Bedlington, England, the Bedlington Terrier was created to serve as a vermin hunter. Over time, this breed was also used as a poaching dog and racer. Popularity…

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Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois Background Information & History The Belgian Malinois—one of the four Belgian sheepdogs—originated in Belgium in the late 19th century. After a group of breeders met in Brussels to narrow out the variations of the sheepdogs and classify the specific breeds, they succeeded in recognizing the Belgian Shepherd Dog in 1901. However, the dog…

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Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Sheepdog Background Info and History The Belgian Sheepdog emerged as a distinct dog breed in the late 1800’s in Belgium. Originally, the Belgian Tervuren, Malinois, and Sheepdog were all considered varieties of the Belgian Sheepdog. It was not until 1959 that the AKC registered them as separate breeds. The Belgian Sheepdog that we know…

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Belgian Tervuren

Belgian Tervuren Background Info and History The Belgian Tervuren is one of four Belgian breeds that were once classified under the umbrella of “Belgian Sheepdog.” This breed is named after the Belgian town where they were originally developed. Belgian Tervurens were used for herding and as watchdogs, but eventually became prized as affectionate companion dogs.…

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Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog Information & History It’s commonly thought that the four Swiss Sennenhund Breeds—the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and Berner Sennenhund being two of them—developed when the Romans brought their Molosser and Mastiff-type canines as war-companions on their invasion of the Swiss Alps (first century B.C.). These Mastiff’s and Molossers were then bred with…

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Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise Breed Info & Background The Bichon Frise breed originated in France, sometime before the 14th century. While the exact origin of the canine remains unknown, popular belief says that it’s a direct descendant of the Barbet, a mid-sized wooly water dog. How they made their way to France is an argument up to…

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Standard Poodle Traits & History The lineage of the Poodle dog breed stretches far back into the folds of time. Thought to have come from Asia and then settled into Germany centuries later, it’s not until the French gave light to the breed that we see its ‘true’ beginning. What we know is that in…

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Miniature Poodle

Miniature Poodle Traits & History The Poodles lineage dates far back into history. It’s most commonly believed that its true origin came from a German dog (having come from Asia beforehand), but that the actual Poodle was bred in France some centuries later, although the exact timeline is unknown. What we do know is that…

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Pomeranian Breed History & Background Pomeranians originated in the Pomerania Peninsula in the 16th Century from ancient Spitz breeds. Relatives of the Pomeranian include the Norwegian Elkhound, the Schipperke, the German Spitz, the American Eskimo Dog, and the Samoyed. All of these dogs can be characterized by their wedge-shaped heads, prick ears, and thick furry…

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Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Polish Lowland Sheepdog Background Information & History As the name suggests, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog originated from Poland and is one of the oldest breeds from the area. During PONs earliest days, they served as excellent sheep herders due to their high intelligence and great agility. Sadly during the World War II era, PONs struggled…

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