
How Much Does Dog Neutering Cost?

Neutering your dog is beneficial in a number of ways. The surgery prevents canine overpopulation, testicular cancer, and canine aggression, to name a few. While most pet owners ultimately make the decision to neuter their pup, they may be discouraged when they learn about the price. So how much is dog neutering? Luckily, getting your…

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When Can My Puppy Go Outside?

While it’s tempting to scoop up your tiny pup and take them with you everywhere you go, it’s not a very safe move. The immune system of a new puppy is not strong enough to combat the elements of the outside world. You’re probably wondering, “When can I let my puppy go outside?” Keep reading…

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Does Neutering Your Dog Calm Them Down?

There are many reasons why a pet owner may choose to neuter their dog. Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality that there is an overpopulation of pets in the world, and many of them are being euthanized as a result. Because of this reality, responsible pet owners find themselves asking whether or not they should neuter…

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Mastiff Health Issue and Problems

If you’re in the market for a new dog, it’s important to consider all attributes of the breed you are thinking about bringing home. While many dog lovers may be interested in a Mastiff as a new animal companion, this breed requires special consideration and attention. While all dogs can suffer from health problems, if…

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Bernese Mountain Dogs

Originally bred as an all-purpose farm dog, today’s Bernese Mountain Dog still has those working dog instincts, but is mostly a calm and patient large breed dog. In this post, we’re going to go over the Bernese Mountain dog to give you a better idea of what you can expect from owning this breed. History…

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We just wanted Parker to be happy, and for the other dogs and us to all be happy together. To give everyone the best life possible and I have to say Canna-pet really makes such a difference. Parker is just calmer and more at peace. And it allows the rest of us to feel that way too.

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Side Effects of the Bordetella Vaccine for Dogs

Side Effects of the Bordetella Vaccine for Dogs | Canna-Pet®
Vaccines introduce your dog’s body to a virus or bacteria so he will be able to build immunities to fight it off should he encounters it again in the future. And while vaccines, especially the Bordetella vaccine, have their fair share of detractors within the veterinary community, many still support its use. Much of the…

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What is DHPP for Dogs?

What is DHPP for Dogs? | Canna-Pet®
Dogs are susceptible to a wide variety of health conditions, many of which they encounter in the world around them. Active dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, which opens them up to contracting viral diseases, canine influenza, lyme disease, and canine parvovirus, among many others. However these conditions and many more can be prevented…

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What is the Average Cost of Hydrotherapy for Dogs?

What is the Average Cost of Hydrotherapy for Dogs? | Canna-Pet®
The practice of hydrotherapy for dogs has recently gained some buzz in the dog world. As with most trends, the seeming popularity of this exercise may have you wondering about the practice and effectiveness. What is hydrotherapy? How can it benefit your dog? Which conditions is it used to treat? And what is the cost…

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Does Acupuncture for Dogs With Arthritis Work?

When it comes to our canine companions, most of us will do just about anything for them, especially if they are in pain. So if your furry friend has canine arthritis, you are probably wondering how you can help to ease his discomfort. Traditionally, arthritis pain in dogs is managed with medication. But more holistic…

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