Lately, CBD oil has become a bit of a buzzword. Everyone, from radio-show doctors to news journalists, is recommending you take CBD oil from conditions as wide-ranging as asthma to cancer. Plus, they’re recommending CBD oil for you, your grandma, and even your pets.
But with all this talk about CBD oil, there’s often a glossing over of what exactly CBD oil is. If you’re interested in giving your pet CBD oil for general health & anti-aging or more serious medical conditions, you should read on to fully understand what CBD oil is, how it works and what it treats. If you are wondering, “how much CBD oil should I give my dog?”, this blog post is for you.
What is CBD Oil?
The truth is, CBD oil is a bit of a confusing term. At its core, CBD oil is a hemp extract. But where it gets confusing is that it can come in a variety of forms, potencies, formulations, and more.
This is why many people prefer to use hemp oil or hemp extract as a more general term.
When referring to CBD oil in this article, it’s referring to a potent, whole-plant, full-spectrum extract of hemp, with high quantities of CBD.
Other types of CBD oil may be less potent or not be full-spectrum. This means that vital phytonutrients, or plant compounds that have medicinal properties, are missing. Canna-Pet only uses organic & non-GMO hemp in a full-spectrum formula for all CBD products.
Still, while Canna-Pet’s CBD oil contains less than 0.3% THC, some other brands may contain more. If they do, these are no longer considered legal under federal law. For this and other reasons, we recommend you try a trusted brand like Canna-Pet, so you can be sure the product is CBD-rich and low in THC.
CBD Oil and its Uses
If you’ve heard of CBD oil before, you’ll likely know it’s recommended for a variety of ailments and conditions. One reason CBD oil can be used for so many ailments is because CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system as a whole.
The endocannabinoid system is a part of the brain that controls a variety of day-to-day functions. These include mood, anxiety, sleep, hunger, and more.
CBD oil also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This is likely one of the reasons why it’s effective for a wide variety of conditions.
Another reason for its efficacy is its broad range of phytonutrients. A phytonutrient is defined as, “a substance found in certain plants which are believed to be beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases.”
Different phytonutrients are responsible for different beneficial effects on the body. Because CBD oil is rich in phytonutrients and has a broad blend of different types, it can help prevent or treat a variety of diseases.
The best part about CBD oil is that you don’t have to be worried about a specific disease to take it. In fact, CBD oil is considered a nutraceutical, “a food containing health-giving additives and having medicinal benefit.” This means it’s safe to give pets CBD daily.
In fact, it’s not only safe to give to your pet every day, but it’s also a really smart move. It can add life to your pups years and years to their life. It can also save you time and money going to the vet for procedures and medications.
But if you are worried about a specific disease or condition for your dog, here are some common ones CBD oil is used to treat:
- Cancer: Both the CBD and the phytonutrients found in CBD oil are known to affect dog cancer cell growth. There’s also evidence to suggest that CBD oil helps prevent cancer from appearing in the first place.
- Digestion issues & nausea: CBD oil is known to be very effective in treating nausea in dogs, sometimes even more effective than pharmaceuticals. CBD works with receptors in the brain to reduce feelings of nausea.
- Anxiety & restlessness: CBD for dogs is an oil treatment method for dog anxiety as well. Low doses can sometimes be stimulating, so for anxiety, slightly higher doses are usually recommended.
- Joint & mobility pain: Because of its anti-inflammatory effects on the joints and its pain-relieving effects on the body, CBD oil can be extremely effective at reducing or treating pain in your dog.
- Aging: We know that ingesting antioxidants (a type of phytonutrient) is linked to a reduction of the aging process, so it makes sense that CBD oil also contributes an anti-aging effect.
- Heart & circulatory issues: CBD oil lowers blood pressure and quells canine inflammation. This is why it’s currently being looked at as a future therapeutic treatment for cardiovascular diseases in humans.
- Skin & allergies: Skin conditions and allergies in dogs are often linked to inflammation. CBD oil will also reduce the painful effects these conditions bring. For skin conditions, both a topical cream and orally administered CBD oil are recommended.
- Infectious diseases: CBD oil has strong anti-microbial properties, making it great for preventing or treating infectious diseases. CBD oil can also help treat or reduce some of the side effects canine bacterial infections bring.
These are just some of the conditions CBD oil can help to treat. Of course, every dog is different, so make sure to be responsive to how your dog feels after being treated with CBD oil. Sometimes, a higher or lower dose is needed to achieve the desired effect, which will be discussed below.
How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog?
So you’re convinced you should give your dog CBD oil but you’re not sure how much to give him. The truth is, there’s no easy answer to that question.
The fact of the situation is, there’s no standardized CBD oil, so there are no real universal recommendations that are outlined. This will depend on a variety of factors and brands of CBD oil that you are using. Below are some of the most important factors that will contribute to the dosage of your dog’s CBD oil. You can also check Canna-Pet cbd oil for dogs dose calculator for more information.
The most important factor in determining CBD oil dosage is potency. Some CBD oils are extremely potent and only a tiny amount needs to be used. Others are quite raw and require much larger doses.
The difference in potency can come from the type of hemp grown, how it was handled after extraction and administration method.
As you can see, there are a lot of variables. The best thing you can do is to read the instructions on your CBD oil or talk to your vet for further guidance.
Extraction Method
Another reason CBD oils are all different is the extraction method. Some CBD oils are extracted in labs, while others are extracted in factories. In addition, different companies will extract different parts of the hemp plant. This can result in wildly different potency levels across batches.
Some companies may use harsh chemicals that leave toxic residues in the final product. Others use mechanical methods that destroy a lot of the beneficial phytonutrients. This is exactly why it pays to invest in a high-quality product when giving CBD oil to your furry canine.
CBD Ratio
As mentioned before, not only will potency be different across CBD oils, but the amount of CBD to phytonutrient will also be different.
CBD ratio can be affected by all of the factors mentioned earlier. Of course, each dog will handle each product differently, so pay attention to your dog’s reactions and only use products that are reputable.
Can My Dog Overdose on CBD Oil?
Many people have a negative perception of CBD because of its association with marijuana and THC. So it’s understandable that some dog owners may think CBD can be dangerous or carry the risk of overdose.
The truth is that CBD has virtually no side effects and carries no risk of overdose. Overdose is possible, but the amount your dog would have to ingest to get anywhere near overdose is way too large to be of concern.
If you administer large doses of CBD oil, however, your dog is likely to become relaxed, tired, and eventually, fall asleep. This would be fine in other situations, but since it’s the opposite effect you were going for, you won’t want this to happen.
Legal Status of CBD Oil
CBD oil is federally legal in all 50 states as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. Of course, many states now allow medical or recreational marijuana, so your laws may vary.
But because of possible medical complications and the fact that THC is still considered illegal at the federal level, it is recommended that you give your dog a CBD oil with less than 0.3%.
There’s an Easier Way
To make administering CBD oil easy, Canna-Pet offers a variety of different CBD forms including biscuits, capsules, and oils.
Just break open a capsule and sprinkle it on your dog’s food, or put the capsule inside a treat and watch your pup slurp it down.
If you currently use CBD oil for your pup, we know you’ll be happy you switched once you see the ease, convenience, and peace of mind giving your dog Canna-Pet brings.
In Summary
You love your pet and you want to give him the best hemp supplement to power him through his day. Whether sniffing down the street, playing in the park, or snuggling on the couch, your best friend deserves to feel great.
Canna-Pet’s Advanced formula is offered in two varieties for both big and small dogs, so no matter the size of your furry companion, Canna-Pet has got your covered. Hopefully, you have learned a thing or two about CBD oil and saw why it may be the best option for your pet.
To review we talked about:
- What CBD oil is and why it’s hard to define.
- How CBD oil works and the many conditions it can be used to treat.
- How much CBD oil you should give your dog
- The legal status of CBD oil, and why your vet may not approve.
Just remember, no matter what, do your research before making a health decision for your dog.
Check out Canna-Pet’s testimonials to see how many happy and healthy pups use CBD oil on a daily basis.
- “How Much CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats, CBD Dosing Chart.” All The Best Pet Care, 28 Dec. 2018, Accessed 8 Jan 2019.
- “How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog? | CertaPet Dose Guide.” CertaPet, 16 Oct. 2018, Accessed 8 Jan 2019.
- Dorling, Susan. “How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog?” Cuteness.comCuteness, 7 Sept. 2018, Accessed 8 Jan 2019.