First-Pass Metabolism
Also known as the hepatic first pass effect – any product absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is first delivered to the liver by the portal vein. A fraction of the product can be metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract or liver before it even reaches the systemic circulation. Therefore the oral bioavailability of the compounds and terpenes are reduced.
CBD undergoes a substantial first pass effect as your pet digests hemp. The GI tract and liver break down the CBD to metabolites, most notably 7-hydroxy-CBD and CBD-7-oic acid.
See Pharmacokinetcs of CBD in Dogs:
The results of this study show that CBD is barely absorbed after oral administration to dogs. This low bioavailability may be due to a first pass effect.
The Canna-Pet® Advantage
Canna-Pet® Advanced powders and liquids are specifically designed to rapidly and readily absorb into the body.
Our biscuits also have much higher bioavailability because they are coated in our unique powders.
Canna-Pet® products are unique in their formulation and provide 10-15 TIMES the bioavailability of traditionally digested products.