Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

One could argue that the avocado is having quite the food moment, appearing on nearly every cafe menu across America. But can dogs eat avocados, too? Unfortunately, your canine friend cannot indulge in the same snack that so many favor. Avocados contain a toxin called persin that is harmful to dogs. Although concentrations of this are low, making it harmless for humans, it can have the opposite effect for animals, especially dogs.

The flesh of an avocado contains less toxicity than the pit, which some deem safe enough for dogs to eat. However, it’s best to avoid the food altogether when thinking of treats to give to your dog. Most likely he’s not going to have a favorable reaction after eating it, despite the amount.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados? | Canna-Pet®

Also, be careful of how you dispose of avocado pits, because that is the most dangerous part. Not only does the pit contain the most toxicity, but it also serves as a choking hazard for your dog. Typically, when a pet eats something toxic, it’s by accident. The food has fallen to the floor; a guest has accidentally fed some to your dog without knowing the harm of it; or your dog may be extra sneaky and go through the trash or leap up on the table for leftovers. To prevent any of these scenarios from happening, keep avocados and avocado-based foods put away when your dog is around.

Let guests and people who care for your dog which foods are completely off limits. Unfortunately, the most well-intentioned gestures could be harmful to your pet. When dogs sniff out something new or interesting, their curiosity will get the better of them, which could end up in disaster. Prevention is key when it comes to keeping certain foods out of your dog’s reach.

What to Do If My Dog Eats Avocado?

Accidents happen, which means your dog may eat part of an avocado at some point in his life. If this happens, determine how much he has ingested and call your veterinarian to find out what treatment options there are. If he’s eaten only a small amount and not presenting symptoms, there’s a chance he will metabolize it without problem. However, symptoms can take a little time to appear, which means it’s a good idea to get medical advice directly from the doctor.

Take note of if your dog is acting differently. Is he lethargic? Does he refuse to eat? Has he vomited? These are all indicative of poisoning and he should be checked out as soon as possible. Although some reports insist that persin does not affect dogs the same way as it does other animals, there’s still a chance it can result in heart or respiratory problems for your pet.

Rather than testing the waters of the level of toxicity avocados contain and how they will affect your dog, the safe solution is to exclude the food from your pet’s diet. There are plenty of other foods to choose from that have been deemed safe for your dog without the worry of side effects or choking hazards that avocados can have.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

Safe Snacks for Your Dog

Avoid avocado and feed your dog fresh fruits like apples, strawberries, or bananas, if you want to give him whole foods. Check food and snack labels for the list of ingredients to ensure nothing toxic or dangerous to your dog is included. To preserve your pet’s health and prevent any potential problems, organic is a good option. That way you know exactly what your dog is eating and can more easily regulate his diet.

Ask your veterinarian for recommendations, if you want to add more variety to your dog’s diet. Over time, you’ll learn more about what your dog likes and what is best for his health. As your pet grows older, these food preferences may change. You’ll want to monitor and track what he can and can’t have throughout the years. What he eats as a pup may greatly differ from what he eats later in life.

It doesn’t matter what new foods become a regular part of your dog’s diet; nutrition is a contributing factor to his overall wellness. Consult your veterinarian about any dietary changes and seek out all-natural foods and snacks that will provide the most benefits for your dog. In the end, you’ll wind up with a happier, healthier pet.


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