
Is Your Dog Anxious Around Other Dogs?

Picture this: You’re walking your dog around the neighborhood, enjoying this bit of calm on a beautiful day. Suddenly, you see it: another dog coming your way, ears perked up out of curiosity and excitement. In any normal situation, you’d be pleased to introduce your dog to this potential new friend. But your dog is…

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What Dog Breeds Are Prone to Cancer?

Choosing a dog to bring into your family is a big decision, and that’s why it should be carefully thought over. One of the first things a person thinks about when getting a new pet is what kind of breed they want. Everyone has different preferences and interests, which is why some breeds may be…

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Tips for Creating a Happy Multi-Pet Household

Over 60% of pet households include both cats and dogs, and while it’s no secret that cats and dogs can have a difficult relationship, that doesn’t have to be the case. It seems like every cat and dog interaction is a lost cause for some households. Whether a cat is secretly plotting against a dog or a dog…

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How to Socialize a Dog and Cat

Dogs versus cats—an age-old feud that people are all too familiar with. From classic cartoons to the common question: “are you a dog or a cat person?” there seems to be a misconception that dogs and cats cannot exist in the same a happy household. But what if you do not want to be exclusively…

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We are very happy with the use of Canna-Pet and will continue to use it for the remainder of Newman's life.

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Puppy Anxiety: Symptoms & Management

Just like humans, puppies can suffer from anxiety disorders. Often, they suffer from separation anxiety, although sometimes they can suffer from social anxiety and noise anxiety. You can discern the difference based on the triggers and your pup’s response to those triggers. Social Anxiety in Puppies Social anxiety is the result of a lack of…

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Tips for Managing Epilepsy in Dogs

As with humans, dog seizures can occur for a myriad of reasons across an entire range of ages. They are the most common neurological disorder found in dogs. Types of Seizures in Dogs Epileptic seizures can range from mild, barely noticeable “focal” or “partial” seizures to generalized “tonic clonic” or “grand mal” seizures. Focal seizure…

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Glaucoma in Cats: Causes, Signs, & Treatment

Similar to glaucoma in humans or glaucoma in dogs, feline glaucoma occurs when the fluid inside the eye, located directly behind the lens, builds up and does not drain properly. This fluid is called aqueous humor, and is not to be confused with tears which coat the outside of the eye. Tears and aqueous humor…

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New Kitten Checklist

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, chances are 1) you’re in the process of adding a kitten to your home, or 2) you’re reading this while your new kitten scampers around and you’re frantically trying to piece together what it is you need to raise said feline right. This helpful checklist is designed to help you…

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Cat Not Eating? Causes of Appetite Loss in Cats

Some cats are picky about what they eat. Our furry friends can be very particular about what they put into their bodies. But what about a kitty that won’t eat at all? That can be a big problem. What’s The Big Deal? If your cat isn’t eating, their body has to use their reserve of…

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