How Canna-Pet® Gives Back

Canna-Pet® is proud to be the worldwide pioneer of hemp nutrition for pets. We work diligently every day to fine-tune our product in order to help your beloved pets enjoy the greatest quality of life possible.

Our commitment to animals and the people who care for them doesn’t end there. We understand that we all only have one life to live and one planet to live it on. This is why we make it a point to give back to those who go above and beyond to improve their communities and the lives of animals everywhere.

Below are a few ways Canna-Pet® gives back to the community, our planet, and (most importantly) our pets!

Pet Conscious

We created Pet Conscious – a 501c3 nonprofit foundation – in an effort to build a better world for pets and people to enjoy together. Through Pet Conscious, we work diligently to advance the welfare of animals all over the world.

Using a wide range of methods, mediums, platforms, and connections, Pet Conscious:

  • Works to save animals from suffering, neglect, and abuse through providing free product to rescue and foster animals in need
  • Assists in placing rescued animals in ethical, no-kill shelters throughout the United States
  • Partners with other organizations and events to accomplish shared goals and raise awareness about animal rescue and advocacy

To learn more about Pet Conscious, visit our website at today!

Animal Rescue Discounts

It takes a special type of person to give all of their time, money, and energy towards bettering the lives of pets, and most people aren’t willing to step up and do it. This is why we are dedicated to giving back to the shelters and foundations who work day and night to help animals in need.

We provide a 50% discount to shelters, fosters, and other animal rescue charities as well as do whatever we can to help raise money and donate food, veterinary care, and therapeutic products to these organizations through monthly fundraisers.

Funding Animal Research

Canna-Pet® is dedicated to providing all-natural and effective assistance that helps animals live their life to the fullest extent. This all begins with research. Not only does Canna-Pet® work closely with major veterinary universities to consistently refine and improve our product offering, but we also do whatever we can to help these institutions learn more about (and eventually find cures for) a variety of ailments that our beloved pets suffer from, including cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, pain, and more.

By donating money and products to reputable veterinary universities, we like to think we are doing what we can to contribute to a better quality of life for animals everywhere.