Clumber Spaniel Breed Guide

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Sporting Dogs
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Clumber Spaniel Background Info and History
Little is truly known about the early development of the Clumber Spaniel. They are believed to have been developed during the 18th century in France, where they were used as hunting dogs in thick brush.
Their name comes from Clumber Park in Britain, which is where a prominent breeder settled after fleeing the French Revolution. The first Clumbers came to the United States in 1844. Clumber Spaniels hold the distinction of being one of the first nine breeds recognized by the AKC at its formation. Clumbers are a large sized breed that can weigh up to 85 lbs. but only stands 20” high.
Clumber Spaniel Temperament and Personality
Clumbers are a breed that thrives on human companionship. They are happy, gentle, and affectionate. Clumbers have a dignified carriage that infuses their personality. They tend to be very mellow, but can be reserved towards strangers.
Clumber Spaniel Training Tips
Clumbers are an intelligent breed that is quick to learn new commands and are generally regarded as very trainable. Clumbers do possess a stubborn streak, so owners must exercise patience and restraint. This breed responds best to positive-reinforcement training.
Clumber Spaniel Exercise Needs
Clumbers have a moderate energy level that is more geared towards endurance and stamina. Regular walks and play sessions will keep this breed content and well-behaved.
Lifespan of Clumber Spaniels
Clumber Spaniels live between 10-12 years.
Clumber Spaniel Breed Popularity
Clumbers are currently the 144th most popular AKC registered breed.
Feeding Requirements of Clumber Spaniels
Clumbers should be fed a high-quality food source that provides balanced nutrition. This breed is particularly sensitive to grain fillers, so foods that contain corn, soy, or wheat should be strictly avoided.
Feeding requirements for an adult Clumber will vary depending on their activity level and weight. Be sure to avoid overfeeding your Clumber, as they can develop obesity. Clumber puppies should not be fed foods overly high in protein, as this can lead to developmental disorders.
Clumber Spaniel Grooming
Clumbers will need weekly brushing to avoid excessive shedding.
Are Clumber Spaniels Good With Kids?
Clumbers make excellent family pets due to their gentle and patient nature. They are not as playful as some other breeds, but they get along very well with children.
Common Clumber Spaniel Health Problems
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
IVDD in dogs is a condition that affects the discs of the spine. These discs are located between each vertebra and fulfill a connective function while also providing shock absorption. IVDD occurs when the center of these discs begins to dehydrate, limiting the disc’s ability to absorb shock. In juvenile dogs, this degeneration occurs rapidly. In older dogs, it is linked to aging and occurs much slower.
Signs of IVDD vary depending on the location on the spine and the extent of the degeneration. Reluctant movement, pain when being picked up, lack of appetite, trembling or wobbling, and arching of the back are all signs of IVDD. If IVDD has affected the discs in the neck, dogs will generally hold their head down when walking and exhibit signs of pain when the neck area is manipulated.
As degeneration of the discs progresses, dogs can sometimes lose function in limbs. Treatment will depend on the severity of the degeneration and its location along the spine. Mild forms of IVDD can sometimes be medically managed to reduce inflammation, but more extreme cases will need surgical intervention.
Entropian or Ectropian Eyelids
Clumbers are known to be prone towards developing either entropian or ectropian eyelids. As such, it is important to make checking your dog’s eyes a regular part of your grooming sessions. With an entropian eyelid, the eyelid rolls inward. This can allow eyelashes or hair near the eye to rub against the cornea.
This can be extremely painful for your Clumber, and result in tearing and scarring of the cornea. Ectropian eyelids occur when they eyelid rolls outward. This rolling outward of the eyelid allows dust and debris to affect the inner lining of the eyelid, which can produce a significant amount of discomfort, and lead to damage to the eye over time. Both entropian or ectropian eyelids will require consultation with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
Seizures in dogs are most often the result of either idiopathic epilepsy or symptomatic epilepsy. Idiopathic epilepsy is a condition where the dog suffers repeated seizures over time with no underlying medical condition present. Idiopathic epilepsy is believed to be an inherited form of canine epilepsy that is most often treated with medication that controls the seizures.
Symptomatic epilepsy is a condition where the seizures are a symptom of an underlying medical condition. In such cases, treatment addresses the underlying medical condition to alleviate recurring seizures.
Other Resources
National Breed Website: Clumber Spaniel Club of America