
Puppy Aggression: How to Cope

No other animal on this planet has the same spunk and exuberance that a puppy does. Their curiosity for discovering new things is what fuels their wild behavior. However, with this high-energy and rambunctious attitude comes a long list of unfavorable behaviors. There comes a point where all new puppy owners question whether their dog’s…

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Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Horses

Horses are naturally herd animals and while an equine friendship can seem super sweet, your horse may become agitated when he is apart from his buddies. This is a classic case of separation anxiety. And while fairly common amongst equines, it can pose serious problems for both owners and riders when it does occur. What…

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Of course we did a lot of training with him but Canna-Pet really helped Charlie's training be more effective and put him in the more relaxed state of mind to be trainable!

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Why is Your Dog Limping? Uncovering the Causes

Dogs are a lot like humans in many ways. They eat, drink, seek affection, and feel pain. And just like humans, they can sometimes experience injuries, such as sprained muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones, slipped discs, and soft tissue trauma. They can also experience limping, which is also sometimes called ‘canine lameness’. When you notice…

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Melanoma in Dogs

Cancer is scary for both humans and pets. With improved medicine, food, and general quality of life, dogs are living longer than ever, but that has also put them at risk of age-related diseases, like cancer. About 6 million dogs are diagnosed with cancer each year. According to the Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer is responsible…

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Common Causes of Puppy Coughing

While it might seem strange, dogs cough a lot. It’s normal for them, especially considering they live so much of their lives through their noses. It’s thankfully not a cause for alarm and about on par with a human sneezing or clearing their throat. Coughing is a means of removing dust, germs, pollen, or other…

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Muscle Spasms in Dogs

Seeing your dog have muscle spasms can be a scary experience as a pet owner, especially if you don’t know why the spasms are occurring. A dog can have muscle spasms for a number of reasons and they can often mean different things are happening within them, some more a cause for concern than others.…

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Kidney Disease in Dogs: Causes and Treatment

The kidneys in both humans and dogs are best known for balancing bodily fluids and filtering waste products out of the blood in the form of urine. They also help your dog maintain proper salt and water levels. Kidneys are also responsible for controlling blood pressure, sustaining phosphorous levels, and assisting in the metabolism of…

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Bladder Cancer in Dogs: Recognizing The Signs and Symptoms

While bladder cancer is rarely seen in dogs, it’s important as pet parents to know and recognize the symptoms in the event your dog suffers from this illness and related conditions. Due to the nature of the disease, canine bladder cancer doesn’t always display a lot of warning signs; however, if you are aware of…

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Distemper in Dogs: Signs and Symptoms

Dogs have been man’s best friend since prehistoric times. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the United States is home to over 69 million dogs with an average 2.6 annual visits to the vet per each household. Even before they became our best friends, dogs have had to grapple with a wide range of…

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