
What Causes Cat Diarrhea?

what causes cat diarrhea
Cats, like humans, can occasionally experience stomach problems. These can range from mild upset which will often self-correct to more serious issues such as dietary allergies. One symptom that can have mild or severe implications for cats is diarrhea. Diarrhea is characterized by frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. It may be sudden in onset…

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Why Do Cats Spray?

why do cats spray
Your cat has done it again. You begin to notice that your house is smelling like urine but don’t know where it’s coming from until you catch him in the act. For some odd reason, it seems as though your cat is marking his territory on furniture and walls throughout their normal environment. No owner…

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Is Hyperthyroidism in Cats Painful?

is hyperthyroidism in cats painful
Due to the subtle nature of most symptoms of hyperthyroidism in felines, and the tendency for onset to occur in middle or old age, many mistake this condition for normal aging rather than a serious disease. Unfortunately, this means that many owners leave feline hyperthyroidism untreated which can cause pain and anguish for the afflicted…

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Dog is Biting Tail: What to Do

dog is biting tail
As a dog owner, sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between a behavioral phase or a medical condition that needs to be addressed. One example is if your dog is biting his tail. If your dog is chewing his tail, what are you supposed to do? It can be challenging to determine the right steps…

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What to Do If Your Dog is Marking in the House

What to Do If Your Dog Is Marking in the House
Once you are through the puppy phase and your dog is completely house trained, you let your guard down and no longer expect “accidents” to occur. Suddenly, you find your dog urinating, or marking, in the house despite his training! This can be a frustrating scenario as an otherwise trained dog seemingly forgets what he…

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German Shorthaired Pointer Temperament & Personality

characteristics of a german shorthaired pointer
If you’re considering getting a dog, it’s easy to see why the German Shorthaired Pointer might catch your eye. This breed of smart, loyal, and active dogs, has a stunning multi-colored coat, expressive eyes, and big floppy ears. They have every quality you could possibly want in a great pet. But, German Shorthaired Pointers can…

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Doberman Pinscher Temperament & Personality

doberman pinscher temperament
The Doberman Pinscher may have a somewhat controversial reputation, but this breed can be a sweet, loyal, and obedient pet. If you’re thinking about bringing a Doberman home to your family, read on to find out more about this breed. Prominent Doberman Pinscher Personality Traits The personality traits of a Doberman Pinscher will vary between…

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What is Dog Spraying?

what is dog spraying
You love your daily walks with your four-legged friend. Not only does it allow you to get outdoors but it’s also a time to bond with your loving companion. Everything is going great until your dog makes you stop on EVERY tree so he can do his business. However, you notice that he is only…

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What Is The Size of A German Shorthaired Pointer?

size of german shorthaired pointer
Before bringing home a German Shorthaired Pointer to your family, it’s important to understand how big this breed of dog gets, as well as how much physical activity and food they require on a regular basis. The German Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile hunting dog that is sometimes referred to as a “Jack of all…

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What Is The Lifespan of A Doberman Pinscher?

doberman pinscher life expectancy
There’s an interesting story behind these black and brown beauties. A man by the name of Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann was the original developer of Dobermanns in the late 1800’s. Karl Dobermann was a tax collector, and he needed an athletic and imposing looking dog that would provide some security while he made his rounds.…

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