
Why Do Dogs Howl?

It’s a recurring motif that all good horror movies incorporate: a spooky night, a cast of jumpy characters, and suddenly the unmistakable howl of a wolf cuts in from afar. From wolves to coyotes to domestic dogs, howling is one of the most recognizable features of the canidae family, and it endures – whether it’s…

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Can a Cat Get Hiccups?

Ever heard your cat make a funny noise and wondered what it could be? Are cat hiccups actually a thing? Of course they are! It’s actually a little comical too. However, it’s not exactly common, so that makes this a good question. Some pet owners may never have seen such a phenomenon before. If you…

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Why is My Cat Farting?

It may sound a little bizarre, but cats can get gas just like people. While it’s not necessarily common (at least not noticeably common), it does happen. Feline flatulence could be due to a number of reasons, some more serious than others. In most cases, you probably won’t even know your cat is farting, because…

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Dog Sprained Leg: Symptoms & Treatment

Our furry, four-legged canine friends have two extra limbs that are prone to stress, strain, and injury. While us humans only have two legs to carry us around all day and bear the brunt of our weight, dogs have four legs. Dogs are also (in most cases) very active creatures, with loads of curiosity and…

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Signs & Symptoms of a Broken Leg in Dogs

A broken bone is no laughing matter. Especially when it comes to broken bones in our four-legged canine friends. Not only are broken bones painful, it causes a huge disruption in your dog’s life, especially when it’s his leg that is broken. Think about it… dogs use their legs constantly. They use them to explore…

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My Dog’s Hair is Matted: What Do I Do?

If you own any breed of dog with long hair, you know the pain of matted hair. Even those who groom their dog and brush their hair on a regular basis can sometimes still suffer from matted hair. The truth is that some dogs are just more prone to matting than others. Sadly, that long,…

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Is My Dog’s Leg Broken or Sprained?

As a dog owner, seeing your dog in pain is extremely difficult because it can make you feel helpless when it comes to making them feel better. In general, dogs are known to be rambunctious, fun, and energetic creatures, which makes them great pets and lifelong companions. Unfortunately, these same characteristics can also cause them…

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How To Treat A Scab On A Dog

Dogs are our beloved family members, and many dog owners think of their canine companions almost as children, treating them with the same loving care. If you’re one of those big-hearted dog lovers, you know that even a small injury to your poor pup can make you wince with sympathy – and start searching for…

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Signs Your Dog Is Having A Vaccine Reaction

Vaccinating your dog is an important part of being a responsible pet owner, but so is educating yourself on the care and keeping of your furry companion. While some aspects of long term care – monthly flea treatments or heartworm pills, for example – can be safely and easily taken care of at home, vaccines…

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Mushroom Toxicity in Dogs: What to Know

Mushrooms. It’s likely you’re worried about your dog or family members consuming them as you’ve heard old wives tales about how poisonous they can be or because of their hallucinatory effects. But are the stories true? Well, as most tales are, it’s complicated! Partly true and partly legend, and much of the “it depends” answer…

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