

Mabel suffers from extreme anxiety. Within 2-3 weeks of canna-pet capsules, we noticed a substantial difference in Mabel’s anxiety.

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Why is My Dog Crying?

When a dog cries, or more accurately “vocalizes,” it can be for many different reasons and show in a variety of ways. However, it doesn’t involve tears and stuffy noses like it does with humans. Dogs can learn certain behaviors based on reward.  In some cases, a dog may be loudly vocalizing until their owner…

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Do Puppy Teeth Fall Out?

The short answer is yes, dogs do lose their puppy teeth. In fact, puppies often will lose their baby teeth more quickly than they got them in the first place. However, like babies, all puppies are born with no teeth at all. Puppy teeth, also called milk teeth, usually come in around five or six…

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Most Common Retrieving Dog Breeds

When deciding which dog you want to add to your family, one category of breeds to consider is retrieving dogs. Retrieving dog breeds, also referred to as sporting dogs, are among one of the most popular types of dogs for individuals to choose. While there are many different breeds of dogs that fall under the…

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Most Common Herding Dog Breeds

One of the most popular varieties of dog breeds are  herding dogs. This group was actually created in 1983 by the American Kennel Association (AKC). Prior to this classification, many of the breeds that are now considered herding dog breeds were grouped with working dogs. The AKC eventually created two separate categories to distinguish regular…

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Haystack is an excitable dog that gets overstimulated at times. That is where Canna-Pet has been very helpful.

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Is My Cat Overweight?

You’ve noticed that your furry friend has packed on a few extra pounds. At first, it wasn’t cause for concern, but then you realize he’s struggling to jump and climb like he used to. Then you wonder, “Is my cat overweight?”. While healthy cats can come in a variety of different sizes, obesity and weight…

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Cannapet CBD helped him not only to reduce the pain in his legs and stomache, but also helped Jedi to focus more on his daily training.

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Dog Hemorrhoids: A Helpful Guide

Hemorrhoids don’t sound like they should be a problem for dogs, but unfortunately, canines can also suffer from many of the same ailments as humans. While hemorrhoids aren’t common in dogs, they aren’t unheard of either. Here is a helpful guide to dog hemorrhoids, including what they are, what you should look for, and what…

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Do Dogs Dream?

You’ve probably watched your dog do some rather bizarre things while sleeping that may make you wonder, “Do dogs have dreams?” Sometimes dogs may unexpectedly start vocalizing, either barking, whimpering or growling in their sleep. Sometimes dogs shake, quiver, and twitch. Some dogs even behave as though they are running, with their legs pumping in…

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