
Health Issues:
Zeus' Breeds:
My dog Zeus is a little over 2 years old. He started having seizures at about 10 months old. Multiple seizures in a day, usually somewhere between 4-7. The vet has put him on several different kinds of medication, phenobarbital, keppra, and potassium bromide. Nothing seems to be working. Still having the seizures. We started him on the Canna-Pet products (advanced large twice a day) about a month ago, and he has had 2 seizures since, but both times it was only 1 seizure in a day and the after effects are much less severe. Before the canna-pet, after a seizure he would be dazed and confused and just wonder around lost and whining for about 30-45 afterwards. Now, it maybe last about 5 minutes and then he settles down and starts resting. I can definitely tell an enormous difference and I’m hoping to eventually pull him off the vet prescribed medicine entirely and i plan on keeping him on the canna-pet products for the rest of his life.