
Top 10 Dog Grooming Tips

You love your pup, and you want to ensure that he is comfortable and healthy at all times. To do this, you need to be vigilant about grooming him. Here are some tips and best practices to follow when grooming your pup: Bathe your dog once every two to four months, when you see fleas…

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Dog Anxiety & Natural Remedies: A Complete Guide

dog anxiety
Dogs truly are man’s best friend. Yet when left alone – even for a short period of time – some dogs can develop the most common form of canine anxiety, called separation anxiety. Anxiety is a natural response from all intelligent animals, and dogs are no exception. Evolution has imprinted each living organism with a…

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Should You Shave Your Dog?

Fur, fuzz, and fluff: a dog’s coat is more than just part of his looks and personality, it’s actually part of an intricate biological cooling system that helps him beat the heat, keeps pests at bay, and even avoid sunburn. In some cases, however, he could use a hand from his pet parents to help…

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How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

Summertime, and the living’s easy – and long days outdoors with the family dog are no exception to the fun! However, for pet parents who count a four-legged friend as part of the brood, it’s essential to follow certain precautions to keep pups safe and healthy as the weather warms up. Read on for helpful…

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Water Safety Tips for Dogs

Water Safety Tips For Dogs: A Helpful Guide For Pet Parents When it’s warm out and vacation-mode kicks in, there’s nothing better than packing up the car and taking your pooch along on a day trip. Whether hitting the beach, a campground by the lake, or even the backyard pool, it’s natural to want to…

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Dalmatian Temperament & Personality: Exploring A Fascinating Dog Breed

Think of a dog with dots and spots, and the Dalmatian is likely the first breed to spring to mind. The characteristic black spot-splashed white coat makes them attractive and visually distinctive, and media stardom in movies like Disney’s 101 Dalmatians make them an instantly-recognizable breed.  Medium in size, sleek, and muscular, the origins of…

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5 Dog Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

Sleeping dogs typically enjoy a rest so deep and peaceful, it inspires envy from their tired parents. While this “play hard, sleep hard” philosophy seems especially true in puppies, dogs of all ages enjoy a good restorative nap – sometimes even a few times a day. The secret that few dog owners know is that…

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Why Does My Dog Sleep So Much?

why does my dog sleep so much
Whether gazed upon with concern or envy, canines seem to be asleep for a good portion of the day. Adult humans average approximately 8 hours of sleep a night, so why do dogs seem to require more beauty rest than people do?  Different Breeds, Different Bed Times Breed determines everything from ideal diet and appetite…

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How Often Should I Bathe My Dog?

When it comes to our four-legged friends, knowing how often to bathe them depends on many factors. While our dogs don’t need to take a bath as often as we do, they still require good hygiene maintenance and proper grooming by their pet parents – not only to keep them clean and smelling fresh, but…

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Most Common Signs of Dominant Dog Behavior

Do you have a dominant dog on your hands? Some canines will display dominant behaviors as young puppies while others will not show signs of dominance until they are fully grown. Aggression resulting from dominance can be difficult to correct in some dogs and will require consistency, patience, and time commitment. To find out whether…

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